As you are getting started to use CO-SENDER there are some useful terms.
Activity Review
Activity review displays information about current and previous plans used, message data, and the campaigns for the time period you select.
Add-ons expands the messaging allowance provided by your current plan, for an additional payment.
Advanced search
Advanced search is a search through all subscribers and their campaigns.
Bounced Messages
If you send campaign to an invalid email address or a closed email account, the message will ‘bounce’ because it can not be delivered to nonexistent email address. This is so called Hard Bounce. Such subscribers will be marked as bounced in your subscriber lists, and the next time you send a campaign these subscribers will be excluded from receiving your campaign.
However, if a message can not be delivered due to some temporary issue, like recipient’s email server is temporary offline, this is considered as a Soft Bounce and such email address will not be marked as a bounced subscriber in your subscriber list.
The campaign is an easy to use mass messaging tool for sending information via different channels (Email, SMS), at scheduled time, to multiple subscribers at once.
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
CTR is the percentage of recipients who clicked at least one link within your campaign email after opening it. The CTR rate shows how performing is the email creative and how interested subscribers are. You can check your CTR in campaign reports.
This is the last day of payment for the services is expected to arrive.
Deleting Account
If you want to delete your account with all of its information, you can do that by going to “Account Settings” and clicking on the button at bottom right “Delete Account”.

Warning message will show up asking for your confirmation. If you are sure that you want to delete your account, click “Delete Account”.
Please note, if you still have an active plan, you will need to cancel your subscription first, and wait for your current plan to expire.
Subscribers with same e-mail address and phone number are duplicates.
Frozen limits
Limits can also be frozen. If, for example, you schedule a campaign in advance, the number of messages necessary to complete campaign will be reduced from your available message count. But those messages are not sent yet, they are just frozen. If you delete that scheduled campaign, all of the limits will return to your available total.
Image Gallery
Image Gallery contains all user uploaded and edited images that can be used when designing Campaign content.
Limits are your message allowance which depends on the plan you are using and the add-ons you may have purchased. You can see the total, and remaining messaging capacity of your plan on the dashboard.
Payment date
Payment date is the date at which the payment for your services is going to be made automatically. Payment is made before the deadline to ensure smooth execution of all scheduled campaigns.
Permission Reminder
Permission reminder is a short message in an email that reminds the recipients why they are receiving your email and how did they join your list.
Plan is a service which has a specific duration and is limited by the number of messages you can send. The message allowance depends on the plan and can vary greatly between plans from small startups to plans for large enterprises.
Pre-registration for SMS Campaigns
Many mobile network operators worldwide now are requiring that you register Sender Name and other information before sending bulk SMS campaigns. To make sure that SMS are delivered to recipients, it’s strongly recommended contacting CO-SENDER in advance in order to be registered with mobile network operators. To start pre-registration process, contact CO-SENDER Support.
Scheduling will allows you to launch a campaign automatically at the scheduled time.
Segment is a separate list of subscribers defined by specific attributes. It is used in order to target specific audience easier.
The subscriber is the communication recipient. A subscriber can be part of a subscriber list, and it is easy to add, edit, or update subscriber information.
Test Message
Test Message is a copy of your campaign message that you can send to your chosen email address or phone number before activating the actual campaign. Test Messages are used to check the integrity and representation of your campaign message.
Unique Click
Unique Click means that if a subscriber clicks several times on the same link in a message, this will be regarded as one click only.
UTF-8 is a compromise character encoding that can be as compact as ASCII but can also contain any unicode characters (with some increase in file size).
Verified Account
There might be a slight delay before a newly created CO-SENDER account can activate and send campaigns. To make sure an account meets our Terms of Service and complies with international Anti-Spam Laws, each and every newly created account will be reviewed by our team. This helps us to maintain great deliverability for everybody who uses CO-SENDER ecosystem and to ensure we are only sending permission-based messages. Once your Account gets Verified by our team, you can send campaigns without any delays and restrictions.